
Sue Feng Design


Hi, I'm Sue, a front-end leaning full-stack software engineer with an industrial design background. Currently I'm working on an app that helps people stay connected to their culture or learn about other cultures through the culinary world with AI integration. You won't find any cookies 🍪 here, but I hope you'll stay for a cup of coffee ☕️ or tea 🍵. Here, you'll find a small collection of my works over the years. I hope you'll get comfy, enjoy exploring, and have a pleasant visit.


This website was made possible by Visual Studio Code, Next.js, TypeScript, MySQL, Markdown, and with ♥︎. It uses Github for version control, Github Actions for deployment, Linode for hosting, Namecheap for domain hosting, and Cloudflare for DNS mapping, SSL, caching and more.