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Simple Site Map Plugin for WordPress

I created a site map plugin for WordPress that simply lists all the pages you have on your site. It also comes with an optional category listing. You can edit the plugin to your liking. It was easy to create since it only has two main functions. The first function sitemap lists the pages using the wordpress generated tag wp_list_pages. I’ve also commented out a categories listing. You can add other listings if you’d like. The second major function generate_sitemap creates a shortcut you can use on any page you create when you go to Write –>Page. All you need to do is insert <– sitemap –> anywhere on that page and hit Publish.

Download the file here. Then upload it to your site’s plugins folder. Activate the plugin in the Dashboard and create your site map page. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Posted on: April 14, 2008Categories: Tutorials
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